Exhibition Design for Graduation Show 2021

Art Directors of the Graduation Show 2021

“For the fourth time we were the designers of The Graduation Show. Both of us enjoyed our studies at Design Academy Eindhoven as well, so we know the drill and more than ever we know it will be a major challenge and therefor an exciting project. We admire the courage of Design Academy Eindhoven that they were bolt enough to say that the graduates, would get a physical show in these times where others only dare to go online. This dedication and loyalty can only be respected! As always, we aimed to create an exhibition in which every individual and his or her work is presented to the public the best way possible.



The Stage

This year we added together with Professor Ian Biscoe “The Stage’ to the concept of the Graduation Show.

As graduates investigate the role of design in shaping reality through an increasingly diverse range of practices, we need new ways of presenting these expanded definitions of design to the world.

The Stage is the Graduation Show’s new platform, offering a digitally-mediated environment alongside the physical exhibition of projects and the Arena’s programme of live talks and debates challenging and extending contemporary design discourse.

Twenty-five of the 163 graduates were presenting on The Stage. It also formed the site for the Arena; the Graduation Show’s programme of live talks and debates.

Photography by Martine Kamara (image with Silo by Kees Martens)